Wednesday, November 26, 2008
We're Off!
To the North Pole... well Colorado. We are going to ride the Polar Express on Friday so I will most definitely post pics and the whole story. We have never been but I am super excited. The kids are too and we are leaving tomorrow after we have Thanksgiving with my hubbie's family. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 24, 2008
That's My Daughter...
So Saturday morning was going great my husband was helping me clean up from a delicious nutritious breakfast of homemade french toast. When all of a sudden we heard a thud followed by a loud scream and then crying. My daughter had catapulted herself off of the couch and landed on her head. I looked at the bump and noticed it was sunk in so I called the nurse line. They told me to take her to the ER so I did. When we got there they told me it was looking alright and then the doctor noticed that indeed it was sunken in and so he pushed and prodded it and told me it was most likely soft tissue damage but that it could be her skull so she needed a CAT Scan. I freaked out but didn't let her know. I knew it was probably nothing but I didn't like the look of that bump and I especially didn't like the doctor telling me it worried him. My mom came to meet me just in the nick of time because the baby was staring to get hungry and the CAT scan tech told me that because I breastfeed I would not be able to go into the CAT scan room with her. My mom went with Saylor and panic set in I started to think about my poor baby in a machine that she had to be strapped into and lay perfectly still for (and those of you who know her know that she is not one for sitting or laying still). My mom however gave me a full report and said she did great! I was so happy. My mom said she immediately started shaking from fear when they put her in but after they talked her through it she was amazing. I was so proud. I am also happy to report and Thank God that she is fine and just had some soft tissue damage and after resting the rest of the day she was back to her old self again. I was so amazed by how well she tolerated the whole experience she let them poke and prod her and sat through 4 hours in a little hospital room without complaining once except for the occasional asking to go home and for a drink which my mom brought. I love that girl and am so thankful that she is okay and although she is and has always been my free spirited child I am glad to be her mother and proud that she is my daughter. She always keeps me on my toes.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cute stuff.

Also I found a super cute holiday site off of the gap site called www.gap.com/merrymixit. It has musicians and actors singing and dancing to holiday songs. It made me laugh especially John Heder's interpretive dance. Got me in the Holiday mood or at least a little bit. I also loved the sweaters and wanted them all.
family movie,
holiday fun,
kung fu panda
Monday, November 10, 2008
Wanna Work Out?
If so I found a great one for moms. I was at a birthday party last night and a fellow mother told me about a group that she had been going to of mothers who work out together 3 times a week. I tried it this morning and it was great. The other moms were so nice and the babies and kiddos were adorable. It was comparable to "Baby Bootcamp" and the best part is- it's free! It's just moms working out together with our kids and helping each other to get in shape. Baby Bootcamp was great but at $80 a month I couldn't do it and I am paranoid about leaving my kids at the gym while I work out during the sick season, so this is awesome. I guess in the summer they go to local parks and work out outside, but for now we are at the mall which is empty and warm. I am sure I will be sore tomorrow but it's a great way to get in shape and Saylor was even joining in so it kept her active and involved too. It's Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30. Hope to see you there.
Fun for kids,
get in shape,
mom groups,
support group,
work out
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside.
It was the first really cold day this fall and I was frozen all day. When I went to pick up Sky at school I did not have a hat on so my ears were hurting from the cold and so were my hands. Chris volunteered to take me to Target and get me a winter hat so I picked out a super cute black one with buttons on it. I am not ever a fan of the cold, but if you're gonna be out in it you might as well look cute right? I put the extra blanket on our bed and the kids in their blanket sleepers which they always look 'a-freakin-dorable' in. The day my kids are too old to wear them will be a sad one. I just love the way they look so snugly and cozy and warm- I just wanna squeeze them. That is one thing I like about winter and cold- the extra snuggles and hugs I get from my kids and hubby. I also love the holidays- Thanksgiving (a time for being grateful and thankful for what we have)- Christmas (my favorite time to be with my family and spoil my kids and our many traditions.) I will definitely be blogging on our many holiday festivities. We have fun stuff planned with our families so keep reading and stay warm.
cold weather,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Cars Shows CAN Be Fun!
So normally I am not really a fan of car shows but I do take the kids to some of them for 3 reasons: 1.My dad has 2 corvettes and likes to be in them 2. It gets us out of the house on the weekends and outside and 3. it's free. My dad was in a car show yesterday at Hooters which was Halloween themed. It was super fun. The kids were not only only thrilled to get to wear their costumes again, but they got to trick or treat again! The cars were all decorated with skeletons, spiders, ghosts and ghouls and one was even the purple people eater. My dad has never been in this show before so he didn't decorate too much, but some of the cars were totally decked out. As we walked around the kids filled their buckets with candy and looked at all the decorated cars and people in costume. It was lots of fun and the weather was perfect. If you have kids I highly recommend you take them next year! Here are a few pics:
The kids in their costumes.
car show,
Fun for kids,
Halloween fun
Fun Filled Halloween!
So this year was so much fun for Halloween. I went to Sky's class Halloween party and left the 2 little ones with my grandma. I got to his class and helped set up, then the kids all ate pizza and fruit and we played some games and did cupcake decorating and it was good to spend that time with him, I liked helping out and I could tell he thought it was special I was there.
Then I came home and after Saylor's nap I got her all dressed up and made dinner. We all went out trick or treating in our neighborhood and they were super excited to get candy in their buckets. Next we all drove over to the in laws and trick or treated up there for a while and headed to our Halloween party. It was at a friends house and it was mostly young couples with young kids like ours so we had fun and the kids had a blast. It was a great evening of family fun. The kids got lots of candy which I am trying to avoid eating, but I am sure some of it will make way into my belly.
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