My name is Jami I am a 26 year old mom of 3. I have a 5 year old boy,a 2 year old girl and my newest addition a 7 week old boy.
I always knew I wanted to be a mom and I definitely think it is the hardest and yet most rewarding job I have done and will ever do. I take this job very seriously and have recently become what some may call "over-organized". I am starting this blog mainly for my own sanity and also hopefully to give other moms a place to go for advice and to know that there are other stay at home moms like them.
A little about me. Other than a mother. I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a college graduate and a former preschool teacher. I try to look at every day as another chance to do my best and I try very hard to find joy in the little things in life. It is easy to get stuck when you have the same job all day everyday without any one thanking you or giving you pats on the back for a job well done, but I find that sitting back and watching the way my children interact with each other and with others I catch glimpses of my teachings and it makes me feel like I am getting something right.
I will be blogging while my kids are napping and have appropriately labeled my blogspot -whiletheynap. I hope you will enjoy reading my blogs and will mostly be blogging about the trials and tribulations of raising 3 adorable children with 3 completely different personalities and taking as well as giving advice for and from other mothers. I am always up for a good chat some good advice or just comparing notes.
Until next time.
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