1. Imagination Movers- fun music for kids- they will love it. We saw them live in Disney last year and they remind me of Barenaked Ladies for kids. The songs are funny and so cute.

2. TLC- it's always got something entertaining on and lots of family related shows. Keeps me entertained.
3. Jason's Deli - new restaurant in town- so good-organic and muy delicioso. My kids love it. It's good prices, yummy food, healthy food, and as close to a "real" deli as they come. Try it you'll like it.
4. Lemon Zinger Tea- feels good on my ailing throat and tastes super refreshing.

5. Pumpkin Spice Latte- Starbucks and yes it is totally worth the $4 plus you'll spend on it.
6. My breast pump- so great. Medela. Yeah. Beats the old hand pump by miles.
7. My new jogging stroller- Instep Safari. I won it on eBay for half price, it's brand new, year warranty and it came today. Andy called it the "Cadillac" of strollers and I am excited to try it out and get my body moving.

8. California Baby products- they are all natural baby lotions and such. I love the way they smell and they make my skin and the baby's so soft.
9. My Halloween costume- made by mother in law. Red poodle skirt, white shirt, black sweater and red sash for my hair- so cute and I haven't dressed up for a while so it will be fun. Chris will be a greaser minus the greased hair. I will post pics don't worry.
10. Dr. Seuss books. I have always loved them and I love reading them to my kids and they love them too. They are silly, easy to read and bring back childhood memories. Great fun.

I am sure there are way more but I must get to bed. I am sick and tired and have many a Halloween things to attend to tomorrow. I will post pics soon.
Where is Jason's Deli?
Paseo and San Pedro. By Stoneface kind of. So good.
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